Modern Institution has spacious canteen at each of its campus.
• At the canteen, dishing out menus are highly popular among students as well as staffs. • Students enjoy their food in the clean, well maintained, aesthetic and appetizing atmosphere .Most people fondly remember their college canteen as one of their life’s high points. • It is the place where they keep their creative juices flowing with hot discussions, chewing ideas, exchanging and sharing strongly held opinions and eatables. A variety of hygienic food and snack items includes Variety Rices,Cakes,Fresh Juices,Fruits,Ice Creams. • Canteen has become a welcome break for both the students and staffs and is the daily hob-nob after college hours.The canteen is the lifeblood of the students. The homely atmosphere and aroma of delicious food permeates the air as they eat,drink and chat. It remains a focal place of the students for rest and refreshment. • Menus of different varieties for both day vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Students are free to design the menus on a request to the Principal/ Chief Warden. • Canteen opens from 8.30am to 6.30 pm.